See Auction 2009
See Auction 2010




The citizens’ organization POZITIVO is a non-profitable, non-governmental organization which has approximately 50 members volonteers, experts in various areas such as education, business, communications and public relations, computer technologies, cooking, art etc. All of them are dedicated to helping the others as much as they can.

Tasks and goals of the organization:
- The main goal of this organization is to provide help for people and institutions in form of donations, money or products. Another important goal is to organize educational workshops for children and young people in the area of ethics, well behavior and tolerance.
- Supporting other humanitarian actions and campaigns, as well as active participation of the members in campaigns for rising people’s awareness about certain issues.

Work plan of the organization:
- The work plan of this organization includes monthly, periodical and annual activities.
The monthly activities are intended for organizing educational workshops for children and young people, gathering donations in form of products for families and elderly people that are ill or cannot provide for themselves.
The periodic activities are intended for organizing humanitarian projects such as bazaars, shows, sports events and auctions. These activities are being organized two or three times a year, and the gathered funds are used for helping and supporting institutions such as hospitals, schools, kindergartens, homes for elderly people etc. The institutions that receive the funds are announced before realizing the humanitarian projects.

The annual activities are intended for long-term projects which goal is to raise the public’s awareness about certain questions or issues.
The organization is always open to everyone who can devote some of their precious time and knowledge in order to help and support other people, groups or organizations that are vulnerable.

During its tree-year existence, POSITIVO realized a few projects to help the community, including the chocolate auction which took place in December 2009 year. The 300.000 denars that were gathered, along with the direct donations worth approximately 180.000, were donated in the form of equipment and necessary materials in the “Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle”.

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Account 210 - 0653832001 - 47
NLB Tutunska Banka


1. Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle

2. Institute for physical medicine and rehabilitation in Skopje

3. Donation of food, cloths, shoes, and hygine products to Popov family from the village S'lp (near Veles)

4. Money donation for Darija Kalinovska who suffers from epilepsy for her medical treatments

5. Donation of yarn, books and social games for the beneficiaries of the Nursing Home Mother Theresa in Zlokukani

6. Donation of hygine products, nappies and toys to Ickovski family and their son Aleksandar (almost 3) who is fighting against complete blindness